Tuesday, June 30, 2009

God Save Us The Children.

Internet is back up in one cafe and the price is high. It's worth it, I want you all to know things are moving. I still have hope and the support system I am realizing I have back home makes me love you all more than words can describe.

The orphanage at moments seems hopeful, other times I want to yell and scream. But I am trying ruthlessly. Failure isn't an option and I for some reason still have hope. We have been yelled at and felt discouraged, our stomachs are ready for good food, food that I can actually digest, but in all reality all I want is to see real change.

Due to men in the town of Tsito (where the orphanage is) stealing children in order to sell their blood to sell to witches in the town for money I now understand why Mama is scarred to send them to public school. (note. I am NOT in danger of this happening to me. This is the first time I have heard of something like this and Ghana is not known for violence or things like this. Please do not blow this out of proportion and make it personal, remember it is the kids who are in danger, and the kids who should be faught for, do not fret over my safety, I am safe.)
I would also like to say I am so greatful to be an American. I am beyond rediculously blessed. It's not fair. One day I hope it will be.

So beyond how horrific it is that there is a "witch" and she buys blood, and people buy into this, it means that there is an alternative that now has light on it. Vicky and I can still do Devi. The money would just be directed toward paying Legitamate, educated teachers into the school from outside to teach the children in the home. I am beyond desperate to make this work. It has gotten to a point where I feel these are my children, and no one will do injustice toward my Millie or Gifty, no one will touch Deborah or hurt Gideon. It's just not an option. And Erin, you are right. Mama I know cares within her, and I will continue to work and pray for this all to come to a conclusion and a point in which I feel like me coming here wassn't to just break my heart and feel powerless but rather to realize I was blessed with the life I have for a reason, and I can use these blessings to help those who were not as lucky as I was.

So I have hope. My head sometimes feels like it may explode, sometimes I want to rip at things here and have the power to control them. I want to see a hospital that makes sense. I want to see doctors who work on weekends. But they will get there. Ghana is amazingly progressive and it is Only 50 years old. I have faith in its progress and I know they are trying and willing to better their situations. I am going to miss this place like hell.

The African sun beats widley across the theighs of the innocent but even harder does her rain. Like a cleansing mess of glory she sheds all over the jungle and begs for recognition. I will never forget the beauty I have witnessed. I will one day come back to stay with big Mama and know to expect a big plate of Fufu, a stomach that bloats beyond belief, and to once again be called Yevu. Until then the memories will stick with me. I could not have asked for an experience more pure. More amazing. I have learned so much about myself here, and so much about people, the world, and culture. I appreciate things now I have always overlooked. This journey will stay with me always, I can't wait to have more. The world cries out to me, See me she says, her naked body ready for exploration she lays out and asks for adventure. The greatest suductress I have decided to heed her calling, but for a while America looks bright for me. It is and always will be my home. I can't believe how overwhellmingly much I took her diverse land for granted, her mix of culture, and like chip said, I can't wait to be a part of the salad America is again, everything is different but it all works so well together. I hope one day the world can be one, and Africa will not just be for resume building and outreaches. She has more than you know to offer. She is such a beautiful spirit. I hope one day, if you get the chance, you can meet her.



  1. Hey beautiful. Your fire is inspiring. I'm so excited for you to see the outcome of what your doing. Even if you don't have time, as this trip is slowly running out, I know you will make it happen and do right by these kids from wherever you are. You can probably imagine how it warms my heart to hear you talk about a motherly instinct that you once thought was absent. :) Ughh I'm so proud of you! Nick is too.

    Can't wait to talk more over chai... and I can't wait to see your face! :D


  2. Bekka, your blog brings me to tears every time. I am incredibly proud of you and jealous and happy for you all at the same time. I can't wait to see you again and learn more about Devi and all your hopes, aspirations, and goals with it. And I hope to help. You have such a beautiful soul and I can't wait to see your beautiful face and hug you again!
