Monday, July 13, 2009

A Summer of Smiles

The adventure is over, at least for now.
My mind races at the thought of going back there. Seeing all of them again. I think of the girls everyday. They stick to my thoughts like glue, I carry ghana in the pocket of my heart.

My journey back home was hard, I was in pain, my legs have all kinds of things wrong with them, but it is getting better now. Thank you Jesus! (or just American medicine. :) )

My thoughts have been retreating back to the ideas for Devi. The planning that is needed. The steps to be taken to Make It Happen. Goal: get 8 teachers for a year. Be their sponsor for school. Is it within reach? You bet. I will be sure to let everyone know when and what they can buy in order to support these efforts. Millie deserves a chance to excel. God knows they all do. These kids would make your heart cry of happiness, they are all so beautiful.

As the summer ends and I embark on a new journey of officially moving out of my parents house for good, planning how to raise 3600 dollars for Devi, and establishing the end to one of the greatest summers I have ever known, one filled with adventure and love and life and just downright Beauty, it is hard not to find it all just a little bittersweet. I miss the kids, I miss Africa. But I am happy to be home. Furthermore, I can't wait to go back and visit again. This summer has taught me so many things. It has taught me that a dirt floor doesnt mean anything at all, in fact sometimes it is better. That parasites are gross but not the end of me. That there is a chance to love again. That africa is one of the most beautiful places I will ever go to. If you want to get to know someone, travel to Africa with them. (Vicky I am still having withdrawals from you. It is strange not to have a constant companion.) There is nothing more fantastic than an adventure, if you ever get the chance, Travel. And above all, I am one of the luckiest girls I know. I have more support than I ever knew, you all are so amazing, I am so blessed in every single sense of the word.

Coming home I keep getting the question: how was africa.
This is a hard question to answer only when questioned on details. Otherwise if I can say one word, Amazing. It was the experience of a lifetime and I do not mean to put that lightly. It has come to an end but my a piece of my heart will always be in Ghana, you should visit her one day if you ever get the chance. My homestead in Africa. My birthplace of adventure.

Meloo Woe, dear Ghana. I will see you again, and I will never, ever forget you.

"And in their eyes I would be strange and ragged and like the Prophet that has walked across the land to bring the dark Word, the only Word I had was Wow."

1 comment:

  1. This is all really great, I'm really glad that you had such a great experience! I didn't get the comment you left on my dealy until just a minute ago but I wanted to thank you, that was nice. Jessi's readin' it right now and once she's done I'm gonna' get the ball rolling on finishing it up =)
